Kids Inspire

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Christmas Appeal 2020

The Christmas Appeal is back!

Please give a gift or donate 

Due to Covid-19 and in the interest of everyone involved we have made some adjustments to the Christmas Appeal this year. This will impact the drop-off of donations and volunteering opportunities (please see the bottom of the page for more details).


***If you would like to donate a gift, here is what we need***

  • New gifts for children aged 0-16 (value of approx. £10 – £20)

  • Example gifts: Toys, games, puzzles, craft sets and gift vouchers

Click here to gift via the ‘Amazon wish list’ – these gifts will come directly to Hargrave House so there will be no need to factor in a drop-off.

Don’t forget to leave our name if you do order through Amazon 


A donation is welcome anytime. We are finding that our services and outreach work is needed now more than ever. If you can, please donate.
Donate: Christmas Appeal


***What to fill your hamper with***

1 x box mince pies
1 x jar of jam or marmalade
1 x large Christmas pudding
1 x box tea bags
1 x long-life custard
1 x box/tin biscuits
2 x tinned vegetables
1 x box chocolates or selection box
1 x box savoury crackers

Please note we can only accept hampers which have all these items, we are unable to accept individual items. This year especially, we would like all Hampers to be presented in a Tote Bag (example here).

We welcome donations of wrapping paper, sellotape & hamper tote bags

Drop-off dates

Please drop-off gifts and hampers between Monday 23 November and Tuesday 1 December

Changes to the Christmas Appeal 2020 due to COVID-19

  • All gifted items (hampers or gifts) will be quarantined at Hargrave House for 72 hours before being wrapped

  • This year we would encourage gifts via our Amazon wishlist or a donation. this is to limit the activity at Hargrave House

  • Volunteering – this year we have a significantly reduced number of volunteer elves. It is likely that we will contact those who have volunteered in the past, but if you too would like to be considered, please contact us by email here.


Nominations into the Christmas Appeal come from Social Workers, Schools and our own professional team. If you would like to know more about nominations and gift or hamper collections please contact us here.

Should you have any further queries please contact or call Siobhan on 01245 348707