Kids Inspire

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Christmas Appeal 2020 ‘the one that adapted to Coronavirus restrictions’

Christmas gifts, food hampers or a welcome donation are headlining the Kids Inspire Christmas Appeal once again this year following a few measured restrictions. 

Media release:

As with everything this year, the Christmas Appeal has adapted to current restrictions and, in the best interest of everyone involved, is encouraging gifts via a dedicated Amazon Wishlist or via a direct donation.

Determined for the appeal to go ahead and to reach as many children and families as possible, Gifts and hampers can still be dropped off at Hargrave house in Great Baddow. They will simply undergo a 72-hour quarantine inside the building following arrival onsite.

Other changes to the appeal this year include a reduced volunteer presence – requesting that those who do wish to be involved stay to wrap for longer sessions to limit movement onsite.

One volunteer from 2019, who was a finalist in Britain’s Got Talent in 2017, Harry Gardener from Chelmsford, said: “I’m here because no matter the circumstances everyone should have a good Christmas.”

Similarly, Kids Inspire felt it important to run the Christmas Appeal in its 10th year regardless of the circumstances, because of the role the children’s mental health charity, and in this case the Christmas Appeal, plays within the local community.

Vicky Haylock, Operations Manager, said: “As with all things at Kids Inspire, our Christmas Appeal started with a child at the centre, a child who we knew wouldn’t quite have the Christmas they deserve. This Christmas we appreciate it is going to be tough for some families. We do not want to see any child go without, so regardless of the circumstances we are pleased to be going ahead with a few changes in place.

Every year we are completely humbled by the community who are just so willing to lend a hand, this year is our tenth year and we look forward to it being an extra special Christmas Appeal – we know the real difference that it is going to make for so many.”

Gift recipients are aged between 0-18 and have been nominated by Social Workers, Children’s Centres, Kids Inspire’s clinical team, schools and other organisations working with children across Essex. Likewise, the hampers will go to the families of nominated children.

Last year, Keisha, a social worker from West Essex said: “Some of the children I work with are not going to have some the things that they should have over this period. Additionally, there are families we work with that have left domestic violence situations and their children have nothing and are living out of plastic drawers. These presents and hampers will be a really welcome gift.”

The Amazon Wishlist can be found by clicking here and donations are welcome here.