Kids Inspire

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2020: The summer of ‘online Lunch Clubs’

Last update 28 August 👇

Lunch club has started at Kids Inspire and its the usual format of a healthy lunch and fun activity, just this summer it will all be online. Head over to our social channels for photos of all the fun!

Superheroes! 🐱‍🏍

The theme for the summer is 'superheroes' and during six weekly sessions, different hosts will make something that a super-hero might wear!

28 August

For the length of the holidays, 276 lunches and 200 activity packs were delivered by volunteers to 122 households in and around Chelmsford. Great team effort everyone!

Lunch Club Wednesday 12 August 

Today, Beci, our Social Worker at Kids Inspire hosted our online lunch club. Before the session started 50 lunches and activity packs were delivered to children across Chelmsford. Today’s activity pack was full to the brim of crafty things to decorate a ‘Superhero bag’!

This week the activity pack contained:

  • A plain drawstring bag

  • Fabric Paints

  • Decorative items

  • Glue

Beci introduced the session saying: “You can use the fabric paints to colour, write and draw on your bags. Have a think about how it might look for a superhero. This could be your favourite superhero, or it could be someone who you consider to be your superhero or someone who inspires you.”

Continuing with the superhero theme, Beci went on to say:

“Once your bag is finished and dried you can fill your bag with whatever you like. But there is one thing I would like you to put in your bag, and that is a little note with what makes YOU a superhero. For example, how have you coped with lockdown? Have you achieved anything in lockdown? So then every time you use your bag it will remind you of what a superhero you are!”

Leaving the children to enjoy their individual healthy lunches, Beci signed off from the session saying: “I hope you have lots of fun today and enjoy your lunch!”

Lunch Club Wednesday 5 August 

Today Lisa, one of our Family Therapists, took on the role of host at our second online Lunch Club. Lisa has seen her role become even more creative during lockdown as more and more members of each family have been present during therapy sessions.

55 lunches were delivered to children today by our wonderful volunteers and 44 activity packs were delivered with a guide to show how to make their own superhero lockdown shield.

The pack this week contained:

  • Card

  • Glue

  • Creative materials including pom poms, feathers, stickers

  • Pens/ paints/ colouring pens

  • Step by step guide

As she talked the children through the idea of the superhero mask, Lisa encouraged the children to be creative and theme it in any way they wished.

Lisa also told the children: “When you decorate the front remember that this is a lockdown shield. Have a think about what has helped you through lockdown? What are your superhero strengths? What have you needed to shield against?”

We can’t wait to hear more about how the children got on. To see some photos head over to our social channels.

Lunch Club Wednesday 29 July 

Today our Play Therapist Sue hosted our first online Lunch Club! Before the action got started our brilliant volunteers delivered 41 children individual lunch boxes filled with delicious treats and a pack full of craft and fun activities. Today’s activity was to create a superhero eye mask and their craft pack delivered to their door included:
• Cardboard
• Pencils
• Paper
• Squeeze and Brush paints

Sue introduced the session asking the children to think of their own individual design, she then asked them to draw a mask (with eye holes) to cut it out and later paint it. Once complete Sue asked the children to write on the back of the mask:

“What makes YOU a super-hero. For example, how did you cope with the lockdown, not going to school, not seeing your friends? Whatever you have achieved over this time, write it down on the back of the mask so it will remind you every time you wear it what a super-hero you are!”

PLEASE NOTE: Kids who lunch Club sessions are booked and offered to families according to criteria