Kids Inspire

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2020 – an unprecedented year full of inspiring fundraisers

It been a challenging year all round, yet I am so immensely proud of what has been achieved – you our supporters have been incredible, so thank you all for your ever ongoing support.

Together we have embraced (and enjoyed) online events, with the highlight being our most recent ‘No Show Ball and Auction’. Together, we have taken on (and smashed) socially distanced challenges. And last, but by no means least, we have been truly honoured by all your own inspiring fundraising ideas – there have been so many I could not possibly list them all here, but to give you a flavour:

  • Fundraising market stall (when restrictions allowed!)

  • Halloween-athon!

  • Dressing up as Santa to drive a bus!

  • Cookbook stacked full of homemade recipes

  • A fancy dress fun walk!

Considering the 50% drop in funds from cancelled social events, your imagination and sheer commitment has been a wonder to behold. Thank you all for making an unprecedented year, a year to be remembered for very different reasons.

If you have been Inspired by one of our community fundraisers, or if you would simply like to attend one of our social events (on or offline) please contact us at or click here to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Paula Ashfield

Fundraising and Communications Manager