Kids Inspire

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⁠2.6 Challenge #TeamKidsInspire

Join #TeamKidsInspire for the 2.6 Challenge on Sunday 26 April and help save UK Charities like us!⁠ ⁠

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the cancellation of thousands of fundraising events but now is the time to come together.

No need to be a marathon runner to take part, just get thinking of an activity-based around the number 26 or 2.6. Whether that’s running around your balcony for 2.6 miles, doing 26 press-ups with the dog on your back or doing 26 mins of yoga (we’ll share your ideas for inspiration, so why not get creative!) make sure you join the rest of the nation for the #TwoPointSixChallenge ⁠

Click here Take on the 2.6 challenge to start fundraising for your challenge now 

Thank you!

If you want to donate to #TeamKidsInspire…

Aaron will taking on a cycling challenge

Lindsey will be hosting 26mins of groovy aerobic tunes  Join this event by clicking here.

Martyn will be doing an individual cycle

 Mel will be doing a fun ’26’ themed workout!

Christine will be cycling 26miles, Leo & Ellie running 2.6km 

 John & Yvonne have signed up to swim 2.6KM! 

People of all ages are taking on The 2.6 Challenge with a host of activities – from walking, running or cycling 2.6 miles, juggling for 2.6 minutes, to holding online workouts with 26 friends. The ideas and options are endless!  Click here for more